Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There are few things less satisfying (and in my case, surprising) in life than accomplishing something one has determinely set out to do. In my case, it was seemingly succeeding in my repeatedly-attempted though never-realised dream of smoking cessation.

I was going strong, 'cutting back' to but a handful of cigarettes a day, limiting myself when out, rashioning my fags like any hard-working centrelink recipient should.

I was on the home straight, though suicidal thoughts rang loudly in my mind and the mere thought of a cigarette had me mid-orgasm, i felt as though SOMETHING good must come from this quitting bullshit, right? Yes prelonged life, health, blah blaaah..

Then came the most beautiful hurdle in my home straight immaginable-two brilliantly encased spanish cigarettes, bundled lovingly, poking out of my mailbox.

JOY! Now i had an excuse to resume my smoking where it left off, for it would be 'such a shame to waste 2 very decent packs of cigarettes'.. After all, my dear Miss Rossi had selflessly put effort into ensuring i get to sample spains finest tabacco produce.

I was not about to let my health or common sense stand in the way of my giant leap backward into the much-missed world of chain smoking. With both hands, i seizeed the packs greedily, oggling their fantastic figure and ravishing attire, and commenced my most satisfying suck and blow adventure ever.

(to be continued.. probably never....reviving old drafts....)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Well it's full steam ahead now in iamafag camp. After a taste of publishing verbal diarrhoea once again, i've found it hard to keep away. Now i wont let the general lack of interest dishearten me. I live in my own little world where my delusional mindset lets me believe that i am a diety in my own right. God of what precisely is the $64,000 question. God of fags? Maybe. God of bullshit? most definitely.

After an extended encounter today with an H2O steam mop, i am feeling very much the failed housewife daughter of a patient parent. My initial disgust at the product was soon overriden by a sick sense of satisfaction gained after the backward/forward/backward/forward repetitive motion of my right arm. My pitiful sinewy arm was finally getting a miniture work out. How does this even subtly relate to cigarettes you may ask? Well if you have ever been errm lucky enough to operate and H2O steam mop, you will be able to pick up on the similarities between it and myself.

Firstly, it operates only with liquid in its belly. In my case, a skinny-doubleshot-half-powder-voltage. In it's case, water.

Secondly, it is pretty stubborn, difficult to push around really, as it gets hung up on the most minor bumps. A join in the floor. A crack or crevice. What a testy little fucker.

And thirdly, and perhaps the most accurate likeness, the mop constantly puffs and billows clouds of steam from its gaping oriface. Comparable of course to the shroud of smoke which envelops me at any given moment througout my typical day.

Oh and PS, the mop is basically useless. end comparison.

Speaking of billowing smoke, let me bring you into the world of John Player Specials. Specifically, Blue. More easily identified as JPS, these cigarettes are cheap and cheerful. Setting you back little over $9 a pack, they allow change from a slippery blue 'tenna' and a sense of value for money.....A purchase that leaves me not only with a pack of smokes, but change in my pocket, is enough to turn even this sourpuss into a purrrrrrring kitty. meow.

Attractiveness of Pack- Surprisingly swanky for a budget product. The intertwining golden letters J P S add a whimsicle sense of style to the overall appearance. The solid blue pack is of a delicate royal blue hue, pleasantly different from the navy blue of many of its competing brands. Far from exceptional, yet strangely alluring. 4 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Smoothness and Flavour- A little grating to the throat i must admit. As smooth as the surface of my unshaven legs (ew. unwanted visual)... Yet the flavour delivered in the bumpy inhale almost cancels out the uncomfortable ride. A medium-bodied hit, not enough to knock me out, but gives me a less than gentle clip around the ears. and i like it. 4 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Burning Time- As they say all good things must come to an end. ive experienced a strange phenomenon with JPS. Whether it is purely in my senile mind, or actually occuring, i sensed that the cigarette burned faster and faster with each additional drag. It's almost as if the burning time of these babies was on an exponential rise until it reached the butt. The inconsistency bugs me a little, however it's better to end prematurely with the promise of more more more to come, than to drag out a brilliant activity to the point where you want to stab someone or commit mass homocide just to get to the fucking end.... ... .. 3 out of 5 mally tums.

Lingering Taste- A good "i'm not going to smoke much today" cigarette, as it leaves your tastebuds with the illusion of a recent smoke. An almost bitter-sweet aftertaste, leaving you with fond memories of what was. 4 out of 5 m.t

AVERAGE SCORE FOR JOHN PLAYER SPECIALS BLUE- 4 out of 5 malignant tumours. Now that's a result to write home about eh?

As i sit here i am death-staring the cheekiest of moths which has just landed on my freshly-H2O-mopped floor. Although i am trying to suppress my rage, i can't help but feel a desire for revenge well-up deep within my being. I will go as far as saying moths have singlehandedly caused most of my frustrations over the past week. They douse me in brown powdery shit as they swoop un-provoked. They commit suicide in my morning coffee cup. They flutter irritatingly around my iPhone screen when i'm innocently googling "sex with dog" in the dark late at night. Enough! i must leave you now, i have a fucking moth to capture, de-wing and sprinkle with miracle-grow crystals. There's nothing like a bright blue wingless creature spinning erratically in a state of shock and no doubt searing pain to make me feel like God.

el oh vee ee Missssy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Let me begin now by alerting you to the fact that i have been rather absent from the blogging world for the past, let's say, 3 months. Now although i'd like to think the world has been a cold, dark and seriously under-entertained place during my AWOL stint, i'm sure realistically you've barely notice my absence. Whether or not you've been feeling IAMAFAG withdrawals, I can now happily say that with the repair of my laptop, i am once again able to vomit words for your eyes only. Promising more vulgarity, sexism and social ignorance and less cold hard facts, the continuity of my blog is sure to once again waste my unvaluable time and hopefully distract you from much more important things.

It's difficult now to choose where i recommence. Seeing as i have continued (when financially able) to purchase varying types of cigarettes, i now find myself chronically behind. A common case of 'too many cigarettes, not enough access-to-a-functioning-laptop-and/or-an-internet-connection'...

I am pleased to report that there have been many a good event, cigarette-wise, occuring in the past quarter.

Firstly, i have resisted the begs/pleads from various members of my family and social circle to quit. I am sure that both the Government (especially the treasury) and Phillip Morris are forever thankful and greatful for my continued funding and support. Equally as pleased is the not-yet-known GP who will no doubt reap financial benefit off my deteriorating health and counltess physical ailments in the years to come.

Secondly, our cigarette dispensary localities have been blessed with a few more very welcome additions- nothing gets my heart beating quite like a fresh carcinogen on our behind-the-counter supermarket shelf.

Thirdly and perhaps most notably, i am but a few packs away from completing my cigarette artwork. Rivaling Van Gough (a drastic understatement), this visual feast incorporates an impressive amount of cigarette packs, arranged in a deliciously tempting fashion. Needless to say this Monet hangs proudly above my bed. (As soon as i get my fucking camera back i'll photograph the thing.)

With an itty bit of procrastination undertaken, i have to now decide decide decide who shall be first cab off the rank for the IAMAFAG rebirth. Stab in the dark, let's recommence with Deal Blue.

Now Deal is a range new to us. It's name gives a sense of "do it, yup, decision made", as if i could give the middle-aged, peroxide-blonde, perennially-tanned, Indianish Coles worker a laugh (or at least a snigger? let a fucking smirk break his incessantly stern face please?) by cheesily uttering "Oh it's a DEAL, gimme a pack of DEAL blue thanks.."

Its $8.95 price tag cements it at the very bottom of the cigarette price range, offering value-for-money unrivalled by its competitors, but also suggesting a mediocre smoking experience. Let's crunch some numbers.

Attractiveness of Pack- Basic and slightly bland. Nothing exceptional or notable about the outer shell of these pleasure sticks. The 90degree clockwise rotation of the title adds a degree of interest, however it may just be a design or printing error made by a group of first year design students in a Korean back-alley sweat shop. 1 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Smoothness and Flavour- The flavour is notable but not overly pleasant. Similar to easter egg chocolate- the first bite is delightful, the second satisfactory, but with each additionaly morsel consumed, the compound chocolate and low-grade cocoa tends to fuck with your taste buds and leave you feeling a little filthy. Smooth enough however, but there's little use having a smooth inhalation of a substance that tastes a lot like rotting shit. 1 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Burning Time- Here Deal recovers a little, withstanding consecutive long 'first-smoke-of-the-day' drags and a good hard pull. However, long is not necesarrily good. As we know, it's the whole package that makes the man, i mean smoke, worth sucking. Still, Deal is worthy of 3 out of 5 for the time it takes to finish him, um, them off.

Lingering Taste- Hangs around for a commendable amount of time. But like many situations that arise in life (a deja-screw that didnt quite go as well as you remembered, mistaking a short, butch, cropped-haired person for a man with moobs rather than frighteningly masculine female, getting caught checking yourself out in the reflection of a car window then noticing there are people inside..) it's often more desirable to just cut it short, get the fuck away, and never speak of it again. 2 out of 5.

AVERAGE SCORE FOR DEAL BLUE- 1.5 out of 5. Yep. I would have no problem never ever seeing Deal again. I would not remenisce our 25 short and sweet moments together, nor would i fantisize about would could have been. As quickly as Deal came into my life, they have disappeared. (i was foolish enough to try it's more exuberant brother, Purple. WELL! a classic case of "what WAS i thinking!?".. that's for next time though..)

Speaking of brothers, David, you rock. i love you.

Anyhoo, i do realise i am a little rusty and this blogging mumbo jumbo. I'm sure my months away have allowed my brain to lose even more of the little knowledge it contained. A combination of consecutive days of viewing day-time TV, Pepsi-goon mixes and a general lack of mental stimulation will hopefully one day bring me down to a state of intelligence mirroring Paris Hilton. Hey, she seems happy enough.

Love to you my dears. I have some tonic water that needs drinking before the bubbles all jump out of the glass. BASTARDS.

X. M

Sunday, January 24, 2010


There's no way better to spend a birthday-eve than with your arms elbow-deep and your knees squelching in 15years of un-washed and abandoned kitchen scum. Now I am not one for hyperbole, but the filth I molested tugged wiped scrubbed scratched begged and pleaded with today was a concoction of dust, dirt, skin cells, dead animals, decomposing food stuffs and the scregs of the nineties and noughties. All cemented together in the deepest crevice-like corners of cupboards and ingrained filthily in the nooks with the shear force of lazy-father syndrome that allowed their build up in the first place.

Many a gags and mouth voms to be had today I can tell you that. Ick.

See my dad is finally translocating his filth from one hell-ridden ghetto shack to another, commendably throwing out a lot of paraphernalia in the process. Kudos. With bi-monthly visits to the Tender Centre, accumulation of a lot of SHIT that of course, at the time, he just NEEDED, right? items include rusted and bent golf clubs, broken/dotted and speckled/fat mirrors, power tools (functional and those in non-working order solely for 'parts', computer monitors (we're talking CRT people, hello), roles of extra-wide commercial use duct tape, tyre tubes, basketball hoops, tents and inflatable mattresses, posters and signs, telephones, cables, plugs, window fittings, car parts, switches and transformers, shoe racks and vacuums, gas bottles, collapsible camp tables, fold up seats, beach umbrellas, cooking utensils, motor bike parts, helmets and tennis rackets, golf balls and ladders, fly screens, curtains, fish tanks and laundry hampers, transistor and UHF radios, poles and rods, wire mesh and steel stakes, pots and vases, shelving and air dryers, beds parts and tin foil....the list goes on.. all stacked haphazardly, disordered and wholly un-used throughout then innards of a trashy Lismore Heights duplex.

Why or HOW a man can allow such a build-up of useless trash is more of a mystery than 'what will Britney's hair colour be this week?'. Hoarders anonymous would have a field day getting to the very root of this man's damaging and expensive hoarding habit. How was I roped into assisting his cleanup effort? Though I would like to say it was from the goodness of my heart, he managed to bribe me- a lift south from Robina station in exchange for a few good hours of elbow grease. Hey, I got out of it easy, my brother has been in that maze going on 3 weeks now. By god I hope his reward is not only rich and monetary but also received STAT! The goodness of my dear brother astounds me, the darl :D

For those of you unlucky enough to have seen first-hand the build up of material waste in his joint (yes I know when you have no where else to stay on a Sat night after the One Missy's Dad's house sounds like sweet refuge, until you acquire tetanus from stepping on a rusty jagged piece of something that may have been a useful metallic object back in its day, and your respiratory tract is now lined and doused in the filthiest carcinogenic dust this side of Chernobyl..

Speaking of carcinogens, my next fag follows suit from my previous two- Brandon Red. My laziness, poorness and sheer curiosity have lead me to follow the Brandon-brick path throughout the entire range detour less (menthol Brandons next, yeep!) Reds offer the promise of kick and longevity, and so I was more than excited while ripping through their plastic outfit to get to their bare skin and bones, rip a long one from the pack, and suck suck suck. .. …. …..

And what did this young miss find you may ask? Well I won’t let you leave with your questions lingering and unanswered, of course…

Attractiveness of Pack- Red red red red. Win win win win. We all know I love red. No surprise I was as impressed with the colouring of this baby as I was with my 5-nights-in-a-row-drunk-for-freeeee effort last week ;) big (And strangely, beautiful) red and luscious, sexy vroom let me jump in and ride. Fast fast and tempting. Sensually revitalising. Sweetly stunning. 4.5 out of 5.

Smoothness and Flavour- As to be expected from reds, the smoothness is sacrificed for that extra kick and bounce needed in a heavier cig. However, I was surprised (as was H. ) at the less-than-normal harshness and in fact, relative mildness. The flavour was there yes, but not as bountiful and stampeding as I have found with other red fags. I really was waiting for my mouth to sizzle, whereas I received a mere singe. Not bad, but not really rough and tough enough for a red. 3 out of 5.

Burning Time- Steadier than their silver and blue brothers thank god, but I am certain that they could possibly afford to hang around a little longer. Come on, Brandon, you’re unemployed and I KNOW you have no where better to be, you may as well hang around and let me fondle and suck you a little while longer? Before I am arrested for cigaphelia, I will cut to the chase. Good but not good enough. Mustang compared to Empire. (If comparison is even able to be made.) 2 out of 5 mal.

Lingering Taste- Really far from impressive, I needed yet another swig of Blonde to wash down what the doctor did not prescribe. There’s a richness missing in the taste of these sticks that really break them in this make or break situation. I do appreciate and praise the attempt of the manufacturers, but really they’re riding the ‘you get what you pay for’ bus rather than the ‘cheap and cheerful’ bandwagon I like to see myself on. 2 out of 5

AVERAGE SCORE FOR BRANDON RED- 2.875.. Rather av, rather accurate for the praise or lack there of I have given. What else is there to say? It’s all up from here. Hm.

Well it has no officially ticked over to the 25th. Being my birthday. 20 years ago my poor midget mother was having her lower stomach sliced delicately through to her womb, and two screaming bloodies beings ripped hastily from within her. There’s some lovely pre-dinner imagery if I’ve ever seen it.. I do like to give her credit for trying, but let’s just say that one of those children should have gone straight from the womb to a gassing chamber and down to the morgue, for hasty cremation and little-to-no ceremony (and I’m not talking about David..) Doing so would have resulted not only in a higher average quality of the human race, but removed the stress Burdon and pain in many a people’s lives. Ah, my self appreciation overwhelms does it not?

Now to retreat into my bed, await the fireworks of my first 20year old fantasy dream. I’ve got my fingers crossed for Scarlett Johannsen and Penelope Cruz’s scene from VCB (though about 10fold sexuality and a lot more chocolate sauce and raspberry jam.. don’t ask..) yet I fear I’ll end up dreaming once again of ex-teachers and their not-so-private private lives. Ew. Have mercy on me.

Love from the 20y.o Misssss.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well hoo haa we got us a house. Pretty darn over the moon about it really… and although this week will no doubt demand all the money in the world (which of course I don’t have ) I am as always carefree and ftw (fuck the world) because I know in poverty I am one step closer to the possibility of declaring bankruptcy, hello tax-free living.. um. Maybe.

Adding up the $82 here and the $85 there and the $72 everywhere I owe, I am more and more turning my poverty-stricken eyes to the possibility of entering the dirty red world of s-s-stripping. Now although I would (hope to) never sink quite so low (geez what do you take me for?.. don’t answer that..) the calling of money-for-next-to-nothing makes my ears prick up and stand rather aroused.. Let’s just say that I’m not making mamma any prouder. It’s hard to follow in the footsteps/shadow/whatever of a brother with a life ahead of him, a tidy little bank balance and a world of opportunity. Ah well, my optimism may border on the worst case of out of touch with reality ever, but as yet I have not been prescribed anything for this ailment. Hm.

Now moving onwards, it’s the first time in a while I have transcended from one cigarette in a range to another without a pit stop via Marlboro or reliable Choice for a pick me up. So from Brandon Blue I slipped across to Silver. Although I am rarely a fan of silver fags, I did hold a belief that their value for money would outweigh their mediocrity. Unfortunately, as is a common trend with light/silver cigarettes, perforations in the butt allowing for clean pure outside air to be drawn in with the inhalation of tobacco disrupts and flaws an otherwise pleasant smoking experience. To avoid this undesired dilution of tobacco, I have needed to really deep throat the damn things, with the butt well in my mouth and my lips pressed hard on the holes to disrupt the airflow. Nice. Plug it up I say.

Aside from this blemish in design, they’re not all bad really, providing a light feathery kick and a satisfactory buzz. Good enough eh.

Attractiveness of Pack- Like an Ethiopian at an all-you-can-eat buffet, I do feel lucky to have such a bulky, all-giving pack to rip fags from at any desired moment. All you can munch indeed. The all-over silver eliminates any confusion surrounding the strength of the cigerrrs, while also adding a touch of platinum class to an otherwise blatantly cheapo 40pack. Dynamic no. Innovative no. Yet satisfactorily pleasing. 2.5

Smoothness and Flavour- Once the diggity holes have been lipped-over, the true flavour from this cigarette is allowed to emanate from the tobacco and perambulate in the mouth. Smooth enough to caress yet rough enough to get you there. 3.5 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Burning Time- Only to be expected, Silver cigarettes have an unspoken rule of an insanely inconsiderately rapid combustion rate. Rushing off to meet his ex for coffee, I am left only halfway there, panting slightly and really feeling hard done by. Sigh. Of course there’s nothing a good long visit from umm Marlboro can’t fix, but I wish Brandon would finish the job he started. 1 out of 5.

Lingering Taste- Like the morning-after breath of an alcoholic, the taste left in the mouth post-cigarette is putrid. Ass-licking-esque. Like licking the scregs of a tobacco pouch to get your much-needed kick. The only remedy is a visit to Mr Wrigley’s and a fast-paced chew-suck through the mint. Satisfaction. 1 out 5 malignant tumours.

AVERAGE SCORE FOR BRANDON SILVER- 2 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Again, the results are rather reflective of my genuine opinion of the faaagin’ things. They’re okay but not a hit. They are played on the radio for no more than 5 days before being aired only by request. They are in the 2 for $20 bin at Myer. They are the lonely fucks hanging around the bar at 2:40 am. (Shuddup…. … . ) They’re the tonic in your gin. Not the most important element, surely not the most sought-after, but strangely their existence makes life that little-bit more liveable, consumable and enjoyable.

With my birthday drawing ever closer (25th you forgetful uncaring fuckers) I do request nothing more than Daniel Craig on my doorstep wearing nothing but a silver bow around his member. In the unlikely event this is not able to arranged, a wad of cash, carton of cigarettes or life-and-future-handed-to-me-on-a-silver-platted would suffice I suppppose…


Until next time we meet awkwardly in the street, exchange glances, think “is it isn’t it?” and cross to the other side of the street at lightning speed to avoid finding out the answer to that pondering, ciao.



P.S "The Fame" Hunty+Missy Bday party FRIDAY, 29th JAN. BE THERE WITH BELLS ON. FB for more info..


Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sitting contentedly at Maccas Coorparoo, tapping into the gloriously underrated resource that is free wireless, I am finally able to release the words phrases curses and vulgarities meandering unchained in my mind... The insanity I feel after a blogless week can only be compared to the state of mind of any person driving a Suzuki or living their life without a steady flow of nicotine- purely satanic and frighteningly lacklustre.

Finally my ranting is once again able to be digitally stored reproduced and raped on the WWW. Phew. Now I sit a little cold and perky, the aircon in here surely chills my silicone and gives these firm babies and extra upward and forward kick. Nice. And I am feeling so very very good about life, although still broke and jobless, I am not yet ready to snap back into the 9 to 5 lifestyle or live with the knowledge I’ve actually earned the $384.33 I receive fortnightly. Ew.

With my newly refunded bond, I find myself with a wad of cash and no sense of financial sense to stop me splashing out on a “fancy pants” pack of yes, TAILORED cigarettes. Well fancy is a little bit of an overstatement, but stepping proudly up from the rollies-gutter, I automatically feel a more worthy human being, having my machine-rolled cigarettes available to me whenever wherever without the least bit of concern about “where’zz ma papers..? Where the fark are my filters...” and so forth.

I’m living the Hollywood lifestyle when all I need is a lighter to get the party started, rather than much fondling and coercing tobacco to get a smoke-worthy product into my lungs ASAP.

The investment of choice- Brandon Blue. Well fuck me, $15 for a 40 pack, yeah you do the math and deliver me a high five for my exceptional bargain shopping skills and umm open-mindedness to try new things. Now I was expecting little more than a peck on the cheek from Brandon, maybe a shhhneaky up-skirt grab if that, but Brandon really had me on the floor with a satisfied and slightly exhausted result.

There really was nothing like waking up next to Brandon when I was used to waking up to Champion. Now ‘champ’ thought he was the shit, but there’s a lot he doesn’t know about pleasing Missy... yeah. Brandon’s penny-pinching nature did not even annoy me; his smashing ability to save me dosh made me even more keen to wake up to him morning after morning, groaning all the way. Let us now numerically express his pros and cons.

Attractiveness of Pack- Masculine, solid, sturdy- there’s no pansy shit here. ‘I am cigarettes hear me roar’ is what is expressed in this bulk-sized mighty rugged pack. Blue dictates the strength of the fag, and as I have previously said I greatly appreciate this no beating around the bush shit. Not glamorous, not stunning, not overtly pretty, just straight up hello take me and roll with me. Average yes, mediocre no. 3 out of 5 mal

Smoothness and Flavour- Flavour lacks a little zing, but coming off the back of rollies this is very understandable. Smooth enough to wipe your ass with however. Vroom. 3.5 out 5

“I feel so cold but my nipples aren’t stiff” *pulls down top to look.
“STOP!” *covers breasts with hands “we’re in the religious community!!” –Hunter


Burning Time- Disgraceful actually. AGAIN following rollies v understandable, but come on. Man up. But that all said I’m not really used to a man hanging around for much longer than a handshake really. Sigh. 1 out of 5.

Lingering Taste- satisfying really, and the satisfaction continues on for several minutes, maybe even 12. Of course the ease of access to tailored cigarettes means it is a rarity that I don’t follow one cigarette with another, but if I try try try I can appreciate the remaining flavour of the previous cigarette. Hmmph 3 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Well average yes, for a tailored, but the subtle step-up in society and proof of my increasing financial means (even though surely it should not be spent..) had me riding a happy horse in the fair.

Well now after a mediocre coffee and an unhappy tummy I am feeling like a nap not narrating my bullshit mind.

So I shall leave you here in the dim evening light rather than continue unravelling the threads of my ramshackled mind.

Get ma stitches out tomorrow, may my recovery continue to be as smooth and bountiful as it has been thus far. Can’t wait to start um reaping the benefits. Or at least wander from this drought-filled desert past the oasis of 2nd base.. oh.


Friday, January 8, 2010


I find myself at the end of one hell of a week. For those of you unlucky (or lucky??) enough not to be bombarded with my drunken excited ranting, you may not know that yes, on Tuesday, I underwent a breast implant procedure. Why? I was sick of feeling like a 12year old pre-pubescent being. I had had enough of my nipples capping a flattened plateau instead of two insurmountable peaks. I was fed up with attempting cleavage in an always-oversized bra with numerous forms of chicken fillets. I am a woman, and unfortunately my flatter-than-FlatsVille chest often made me mistake myself for a paedophile when I sleepily fondled my un-breasted chest midway through a lonely night. No longer do I see a budding 13 year old slightly-on-the-tubby side boy and grow sickly green with envy over his luscious bosom. It is the age of bounce. The age of cleavage. The age of infra-breast storing of personal items such as telephone and, appropriately, cigarettes. Now I could rage on the topic of breast augmentation until I’m blue in the face, yet we’re here for a reason. And a good one at that. Cigggggs. Now if you HAD noticed that my bloggin’ has dwindled down to non-existence, I apologise. My internet access has been near to nil, and although technology advances, I still can’t manage a way to conjure a wireless network with my thoughts alone.

I am proud to declare (as I hope you are proud of me too) that my smoking around the time of my procedure has been reduced ridiculously and limited to a handful of cigarettes a day. After all, I do wish to heal these babies so I can wack them out and reap the benefits ASAP. Though I have found it difficult to limit my smoking, I tell myself (knowingly and very correctly) that less smoking=less healing time. Ah you doctors finally have hit a soft spot with me. Tell me smoking will rot my silicone and you’ll hardly ever see me with a fag in my hand...

So, Champion Blue is, of late, my tabacco of choice. Perche? Easily accessible through various sale points including Coles and seveneleven. and in addition, Hunty dearrrrr has chosen Champion (champion for a champion one could say..) as his baccy of choice. Nice. Let's crunch some numbers before i get too wacky Mc wack wacked on the drugs i am consuming, let's just say i could fucking start up a very successful and profitable drug ring with the amount of meds i must pop each and every day (and tri and quad-daily at that. Noice)

Attractiveness of Pack- Shleak blue colour suggests simplisity and minimalist form. Sure labels brandish the pack, but in essence there is little more than necessary visually. The pack lends itself to dishevelling however, as relying on a sticky tab alone to seal and reseal and reseal and reseal is dangerous...the threat of disadherence (yeah i make up words too..) after use is very real. And unfortunately this means that i am forced to ensure the virginal qualities and togetherness of the product by sealing it in a hair band. No this is not a complaint as such, just an observation about the general lack of realworld and roadworthy testing that the company sadly suffers. 3 out of 5 malignant tumours.

Smoothness and Flavour- No where near the kick of a testy White Ox, yet smooth enough to discount this flaw and have you almost kid yourself that you're getting the best tabacco money can buy. Yes, Champion is cheap. Dirt cheap. Criminally cheap. Yet there remains an unsatisfaction reaped from this tabacco that generally i am left feeling a little empty. micro vacuoles of 'please-fill-me' fill my being. Good is good but never can good be great. 3 out of 5.

Burning time- If you havent already cottoned on to my additude about the very DIY nature of rollies, then wake the fuck up. As i have said time (and possibly time again) you decide. The power is sweetly and pleasurably in your hands. Aaaoo. But in terms of the actual combustion rate of the threads of tabacco itself, i'd say they do smoulder a little quicker than their rivals? Again it is very difficult to judge, but my seasoned senses know when things are happening all a little too quickly. So you're now forced to take my word for it or run for the hills? Yeah i know what i would be choosing too......3 out of 5 mal

Lingering Taste- Kudos for trying, fuck you for not quite pulling through. I mean a flavour remains present in the mouth for a considerable amount of time after inhalation yes i will admit, but it seems so minimal, and almost unpleasant, that only wrigley's or gloria jeans can disperse the filthy dirt i-just-sucked-a-bog taste from my mouth. ick. 1 out of 5.

AVERAGE SCORE FOR CHAMPION BLUE- 2.5 out of 5. Yes they've met me halfway, but i am a bitch and i ask for more more MORE!

Well whilst the maccas wifi is still holding up strong, while the coffee is still hot, and my tits are still supported well in my lusciously sexy sports-bra mutation (ick) i may as well fill in the time with another few words about b-b-boobs?
Too much information perhaps (if you're of the belief that girls dont poo or talk about poo then turn away now..) but they were REALLY serious when they told me that on the drugs i'm takin i would be constipated. Ha i laughed and thought of how wrong they probably are.

No. here and now, i admit i was wrong.
Never have i felt a larger burdon on my shoulders. Day one day tow DAY THREE passes with only the most minimal of poops. How can a person live like this?!! through scalpel and mega huge injection, sedation and stitches, constipation still reins as the worst part about this procedure.

When 20+ sennakot tablets, litres of fluid and a whole lot of 'oh please please' doesnt get things moving, you really begin to fear for not only YOUR life but the continued existance of human life itself.

Happy am i to report that as of this morning i am no longer plugged. Well hello. Never have i been so proud of a poop in my life.

Oh dear lord let's stop it here before the vomitting of masses is blamed on my vulgar tale.

Well until next time i leave you,
As my boobs soften, skin stretches, libido increases, appetite remains non existant, love for fags remains as steady as ever, and desire to bounce bounce bounce free of this sportsbra, i ask you to keep me in mind as you go for your evening jogs, lie flat on your tummy, or have sex. Things that iam craving craving craving with frightening force but as of yet cannot engage in. balls.

Catch you later fellows.

My bossomed, heaving, bi-silicone love.

Come meet the twins one day when you're free eh?

X. M

About Me

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i am usually noisy. unless i'm asleep. then i'm a little less noisy. i like smoking. i also enjoy coffee. i'm a bag of cliche`s you've just got to have.